Quick History Lesson: Timeline of Major Technological Advances in Winemaking

There have been a lot of major advances in the world of winemaking and viticulture.  The following graphic, from the peer-reviewed article “At the cutting-edge of grape and wine biotechnology” by Anthony R. Borneman, Simon A. Schmidt, and Isak S. Pretorius from the Australian Wine Research Institute and the University of South Australia, respectively, illustrates when the some of the major technological advances in enology and viticulture occurred throughout documented history.

Enjoy this little lesson in winemaking history!


Figure 1. A timeline of significant events as winemaking transitioned through the ages of mystery to discovery and finally technology. From Borneman et al, 2013 (Trends in Genetics)

Figure 1. A timeline of significant events as winemaking transitioned through the ages of mystery to discovery and finally technology. From Borneman et al, 2013 (Trends in Genetics)

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