A Brief Update and an Educational Video: Wine Psychology

Just a quick post today, as things have been pretty insane over at The Academic Wino‘s house!

As you know, I was pretty busy back in September and early October when I got married and subsequently went on my honeymoon.  Well, the life changes aren’t over yet!  My husband has accepted a job offer in

[Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

[Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Boulder, Colorado and we are currently spending every waking moment packing up the condo and getting ready to make the long journey across country to our new home!

That being said, things will continue to be a little on the quieter side on the blog for the next few weeks, though I do plan on posting educational briefs (most likely in the form of video) so your wine knowledge doesn’t get too rusty on me.

Today’s video was published several months ago on the NPR program, Science Friday.

According to NPR: “In the third episode of our wine science series, Out of the Bottle, Dr. Brian Wansink, Director of Cornell University’s Food and Brand Lab, explains how expectations, environment, and social cues can fool us into believing that our wine tastes better or worse than it is.”

Enjoy this short, educational video on wine psychology, and thank you in advance for your patience while I change nearly everything about my personal life!  Stay tuned for more!

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