Tag: health

Resveratrol Improves Cardiovascular Health in Obese Adults: The First Evidence Using Oral Administration in a Clinical Trial Setting

http://cdnimg.visualizeus.com/thumbs/29/72/ heart,love,wine-29724debce5dd7 043eec161bac00a030_h.jpg It is well documented that red wine harbors many health benefits; including, but not limited to, cardiovascular improvements.  Research has shown that it is likely the polyphenols in the skins of grapes that provide these health benefits. …

The Next Step Toward a “Super Wine”: Fortification with Resveratrol May Not Affect Sensory Characteristics of Some Wines

http://www.flickr.com/photos/andreanna/4244854623/ “Functional foods” or “superfoods” are growing increasingly popular among consumers looking for a healthier alternative to their current diet.  Functional foods, which are often enhanced or fortified with compounds designed to better ones’ health (i.e., antioxidants), intend to provide…