Tag: history

Who’s Your Daddy?: Merlot

“Like” The Academic Wino on Facebook by clicking here!  Follow The Academic Wino on Twitter by clicking here! (@TheAcademicWino)  The “Who’s Your Daddy” series takes a brief look at the parentage of grapes, in order to get a better understanding of where…

Who’s Your Daddy?: Petite Sirah

For today’s “Who’s Your Daddy” post, we will be exploring the origins of Petite Sirah. http://wine.appellationamerica.com/images/ competitions/Petite-Sirah-Gnarly-Vine.jpg Petite Sirah, also known as Durif or Petite Syrah, was originally developed in the late 1800s in France, though is probably most known…

Who’s Your Daddy?: Gamay

For today’s “Who’s Your Daddy” post, we will be exploring the origins of the Gamay grape. Also known as Bourguignon noir, Petit Bourguignon, Gamay Beaujolais, Petit Gamai, Blauer Gamet, Gamay noir a jus blanc, and Gamay noir,Gamay is a very…

Who’s Your Daddy?: Pinotage

I’ve really been slacking on writing “Who’s Your Daddy” posts lately, so alas, it is about time to revive the series! Today’s edition of “Who’s Your Daddy” will feature Pinotage, a relatively young grape in the grape scheme of things. http://wine-grape.findthebest.com/sites/default/files/513/media/images/Pinotage.jpg…