Tag: genetics

Who’s Your Daddy?: Nebbiolo

For this edition of “Who’s Your Daddy?”, we’ll be taking a closer look at the Italian grape, Nebbiolo. http://us.123rf.com/400wm/400/400/rcaucino/rcaucino0709/rcaucino070900007/1565343-big-red-grapes-wainting-for-the-harvest-nebbiolo-variety-italian-vineyards.jpg Nebbiolo, which sometimes goes by the names Spanna, Picutener, or Chiavennsaca, is an Italian grape variety that most often comes from…

Who’s Your Daddy: Petit Verdot

Quite often in the tasting room, someone tells me; “I’ve never heard of Petit Verdot!  Is that a new grape?”  What they don’t realize is that Petit Verdot is actually a very old grape, and is planted throughout many regions of the…

Who’s Your Daddy?: Cabernet Sauvignon

Welcome to the first edition of the “Who’s Your Daddy” mini-posts!  These little posts are designed to provide a little entertainment in between my larger literature reviews, and to reveal the origins of a particular grape varietal. So, who’s your…