Author: Becca

Examining The Bioavailability of Health-Benefitting Polyphenols in Wine

We’ve all read the headlines – “Wine is good for you!”, “Wine is bad for you!’, “Wine is good in moderation!”, “Wine is loaded with healthy polyphenols!”, etc etc.  The fact of the matter is that if you drink too…

Size Doesn’t Matter: Putting a Traditional Grape Growing Theory to the Test

Historically, there are many winemaking practices that may or may not exactly be backed-up scientifically. Today’s article examines one of those practices/theories: that small grapes produce better red wines. The thought process behind this idea is that smaller grapes may…

The Influence of Alcohol Level and Polyphenol Content on Oral Release and Persistence of Esters in Wine

Earlier this year, I covered an article looking at the influence of alcohol content on aroma (esters) release in wine tasting.  I’m sort of following up on that post with a new study by the same authors taking the concept…